Originally described in
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, Vol. 82:232.
Upper frons with engraved and strong reticulation, lower frons smooth; ocellar triangle more or less encircled by a narrow groove; mesoscutum metallic dark purple, sidelobes sometimes predominantly metallic bluish-green, entirely with engraved and strong reticulation, notauli narrow and complete; scutellum metallic bluish-green, occasionally metallic dark purple, smooth and shiny or with engraved and strong reticulation around lateral mesh-rows; coxae yellowish-white in both sexes; median carina on propodeum widest anteriorly. See also arillus.
Costa Rica.
Similar species in Lucid key
Depository of primary type
Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio), in Costa Rica.